Handy resources
Wilding Pine Control Handbook for Landowners
Combines several existing publications into a single document filled with helpful info for landowners who are wanting to identify and control wilding pines on their own properties.
Twizel Wildfire Risk Management Report
Commissioned by Fire and Emergency NZ (FENZ) this report breaks down Twizel township and surrounding areas into distinct sections, providing in-depth recommendations for reducing wildfire risk according to the specific characteristics of each section. Characteristics include aspects such as fuel type, fuel density, population/housing density.
Get Fire Safe at The Interface
A guide to protecting your home from wildfires by Fire and Emergency NZ
Mackenzie Cost Benefit Analysis 2023
A compelling read as to why investment in wilding pine control in the Mackenzie is so important.
The Sapere Report 2022
A compelling read as to why wilding pine control throughout New Zealand is so important.
A New Zealand guide to growing alternative exotic forest species
If you are thinking about establishing a new plantation or woodlot on your farm and want to plant something other than pine, then this guide will be an informative read.
NES-CF National Environmental Standards for Commercial Forestry
All exotic forests in NZ greater than 1 hectare in size must abide by the rules and regulations in this document. This includes exotic continuous-cover forests, aka carbon forests.
Wilding Tree Spread Risk Calculator
This calculator supports the NES-CF and is an essential assessment required during the planning phase of any exotic forest in NZ (new plantings AND re-plantings). It must be completed by a qualified or experienced silviculture professional.
The Aotearoa Circle: Modern Genetic Technology: Applications in Aotearoa food and fibre production 2024
Page 77-93 Case Study: Sterile Douglas fir
Explore the complex relationship between production forestry and wilding pines, and the pros and cons of potentially using sterile Douglas fir as a commercial crop.
Wilding conifer quick ID guide - By Biosecurity NZ
A simple and user-friendly guide to identifying the pine species on your property. Not all exotic conifers are classed as wilding pines, so this guide will help you figure out if yours are invasive or not.
Wilding pine management and research
Te Manahuna Consulting - Mackenzie Wilding Conifer Management Strategy
Ministry for Primary Industries - New Zealand Wilding Conifer Management Strategy 2015–2030
Ministry for Primary Industries and Biosecurity NZ - Long term wilding conifer control in NZ
Environment Canterbury - Wilding pine control programme
Forest Growers Research - Wilding Control Research Programme